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author  [first name] title language publication id code last modification view
Hermann Hesse * Im Nebel [-] German Arg-603-298 2005-02-27 14:26 Manfred only this add
Manfredo Ratislavo En la nebulo [-] Esperanto 2005-02-27 Arg-604-298 | MR-008-2a 2012-12-24 15:49 Manfred only this remove

Hermann Hesse,
En la nebulo

translated by Manfredo Ratislavo
Argiope information:
The view of this version is restricted.
Presumably there are copyright issues.
Translation of the German poem "Im Nebel"
by Hermann Hesse (*1877-07-02 -
†1962-08-09) into Esperanto by
Manfredo Ratislavo (Manfred Retzlaff,
Stettiner Str. 16, D-59302 Oelde, Germanio,
*1938-11-04) on 2005-02-27.