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W. M. Page Ĉe la bordo de Alano Esperanto Arg-2065-1020 2014-05-22 15:06 Manfred only this add
Matthew Gregory Lewis * Banks of the Allan Water English Arg-2064-1020 2014-05-22 14:55 Manfred only this remove

Matthew Gregory Lewis ,
Banks of the Allan Water

On the banks of the Allan Water,
When the sweet springtime did fall,
Was the miller's lovely daughter,
Fairest of them all.
For his bride, a soldier sought her
And a winning tongue had he,
False was he.
On the banks of the Allan Water
So misled was she.
On the banks of the Allan Water
When the autumn spread its store
There I saw the miller's daughter
But she smiled no more,
For the summer, grief had brought her
And the soldier, false was he,
On the banks of the Allan Water,
Left alone was she.
On the banks of the Allan Water
When the winter snow fell fast
Still was seen the miller's daughter
Chilling blew the blast.
But the miller's lovely daughter,
Both from cold and care was free,
On the banks of Allan Water,
In a grave lay she.
Author of this English poem is Matthew
Gregory Lewis (*1775-07-09 -

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kaj http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Gregory_Lewis.