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author  [first name] title language publication id code last modification view
Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов * Парус Russian Arg-1093-545 2010-06-20 16:02 Manfred only this add
A. Z. Foreman Sail English Arg-2269-545 2015-01-28 19:03 Manfred only this remove
Konstantin Gusev La velo Esperanto Arg-1095-545 2010-06-20 17:39 Manfred only this add
B. Denken Das Segel German Arg-1094-545 2010-06-20 16:15 Manfred only this add
Heinrich Greif Das Segel German Arg-1944-545 2015-01-24 19:29 Manfred only this add
Maximilian Schick Das Segel German Arg-2260-545 2015-01-24 19:34 Manfred only this add

Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов,

translated by A. Z. Foreman
A sail drifts white and on its own
Amid the light blue ocean haze.
What does it seek in distant country?
What made it leave its native bays?
Great billows play. High winds are whistling
Down at the bending, creaking mast
Oh! This one seeks no happy ending
And does not flee a happy past.
Beneath, a brighter stream than azure.
Above, the golden sunray flows
Yet this one, restive...quests for tempests
As if in tempests were repose.
Translation of the Russian poem "Парус"
by Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов
(*1814-10-16 - †1841-07-27) into
English by A. Z. Foreman.

I, Manfred Retzlaff, found this poem-translation