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N. N. 102 * God save the King Englisch Arg-2212-1097 2014-11-04 14:51 Manfred nur diese entfernen
E. L. Dio, savu la reĝon Esperanto Arg-2213-1097 2014-11-04 15:01 Manfred nur diese hinzufügen

N. N. 102,
God save the King

God save our gracious King,
Long live our noble King,
God save The King!
Send him victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us,
God save The King.
Thy choicest gifts in store
On him be pleased to pour,
Long may he reign;
May he defend our laws,
And ever give us cause
To sing with heart and voice,
God save The King!
God bless our native land,
May heaven's protective hand
Still guard our shore;
May peace her power extend,
Foe be transformed to friend,
And Britain's power depend
On war no more.
May just and righteous laws
Uphold the public cause,
And bless our isle.
Home of the brave and free,
Fair land and liberty,
We pray that still on thee
Kind heaven may smile.
And not this land alone-
But be thy mercies known
From shore to shore.
Lord, make the nations see
That men should brothers be,
And from one family
The wide world o'er.
Verfasser dieses englischen Gedichtes ist
N. N. 102.

Tiu ĉi origina teksto de la angla nacia
himno troviĝas en
La nuna oficiala angla nacia himno havas
nur tri strofojn.