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author  [first name] title language publication id code last modification view
Manfred Hausmann * An der Ahornbrücke [-] German Arg-1817-911 2013-08-06 23:08 Manfred only this remove
Manfred Retzlaff Ĉe la acera ponto Esperanto Arg-1818-911 2013-07-26 20:55 Manfred only this add
Jì Zhāng Fēngqiáo Yè Pō ĉina Arg-1819-911 2013-08-19 12:33 Manfred only this add
Hugh Grigg Maple Bridge Night Mooring English Arg-1823-911 2013-07-27 09:27 Manfred only this remove
Zhao Yanchun Maple Bridge Night Mooring English Arg-1824-911 2013-07-27 10:23 Manfred only this add

Manfred Hausmann,
Maple Bridge Night Mooring


Manfred Hausmann,
An der Ahornbrücke

translated by Hugh Grigg    
The moon descends, crows caw, frostiness fills the sky;   Argiope information:
riverside maples, fishermen's lights, facing me in my worried sleep.   The view of this version is restricted.
Ouside Gusu city lies Cold Mountain Temple;   Presumably there are copyright issues.
at midnight, the sound of bells reaches the ferries.    
Translation of the German poem "An der
Ahornbrücke" by Manfred Hausmann (*1898-09-10
- †1986-08-06) into English by Hugh

Pri la tradukinto vidu la retejon
  Author of this German poem is Manfred
Hausmann (*1898-09-10 - †1986-08-06).

La poemo aperis en la libro "Hinter dem
Perlenvorhang", Gedichte nach dem Chinesischen
von Manfred Hausmann, Verlag S. Fischer,
1954. Pri la poeto vidu ankau la retejon
Manfred Hausmann verkis tiun ĉi poemon
laŭ poemo verkita de la ĉina poeto Zhāng
Jì. Pri la poeto vidu la vikipedian
retejon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhang_Ji_(poet_from_Hubei).