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author  [first name] title language publication id code last modification view
Erich Kästner * Der Januar [-] German Arg-1146-567 2010-09-21 12:07 Manfred only this remove
Manfred Retzlaff La Januaro [-] Esperanto 1983 Arg-1147-567 2010-09-21 12:10 Manfred only this remove

Erich Kästner,
Der Januar


Erich Kästner,
La Januaro

    translated by Manfred Retzlaff
Argiope information:   Argiope information:
The view of this version is restricted.   The view of this version is restricted.
Presumably there are copyright issues.   Presumably there are copyright issues.
Author of this German poem is Erich Kästner
(*1899-02-23 - †1974-07-29).
  Translation of the German poem "Der Januar"
by Erich Kästner (*1899-02-23 -
†1974-07-29) into Esperanto by
Manfred Retzlaff (*1938-11-04) on 1983.