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Esperanto English German
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author  [first name] title language publication id code last modification view
Erich Kästner * Ein alter Herr spricht [-] German Arg-979-501 2009-12-07 19:18 Manfred only this remove
Horst Michling Parolas maljuna sinjoro [-] Esperanto 1959 Arg-981-501 2009-12-21 19:32 Manfred only this add

Erich Kästner,
Ein alter Herr spricht

Argiope information:
The view of this version is restricted.
Presumably there are copyright issues.
Author of this German poem is Erich Kästner
(*1899-02-23 - †1974-07-29).

Pri la poete Erich Kästner vidu la retejon