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author  [first name] title language publication id code last modification view
Hans Hartvig Seedorff * Den lyse Nat [-] Danish Arg-471-237 2010-08-15 19:33 mgr only this add
Manfred Retzlaff Die helle Nacht [-] German 1987-08-25 Arg-472-237 | MR-202-02 2004-06-10 13:50 Manfred only this remove
Manfredo Ratislavo La hela nokto [-] Esperanto 1987-03 Arg-473-237 | MR-202-4 2004-06-10 13:50 Manfred only this add

Hans Hartvig Seedorff,
Die helle Nacht

translated by Manfred Retzlaff
Argiope information:
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Presumably there are copyright issues.
Translation of the Danish poem "Den lyse
Nat" by Hans Hartvig Seedorff (*1892-08-12)
into German by Manfred Retzlaff (*1938-11-04)
on 1987-08-25.