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Esperanto English German
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author  [first name] title language publication id code last modification view
Stine Andresen * An eine Jugendfreundin German Arg-1729-858 2013-03-16 15:14 Manfred only this add
Christian Morgenstern * An eine Freundin German Arg-136-70 2004-02-01 10:41 Manfred only this add
Christian Morgenstern * An die Wolken German Arg-152-78 | MR-308-2a 2003-11-03 10:04 Manfred only this add
Rudolf Alexander Schröder * An die Nelke [-] German Arg-1564-781 2013-01-19 14:03 Manfred only this add
Friedrich Leopold Stolberg, Graf zu Stolberg-Stolberg * An die Natur German Arg-935-482 2008-12-12 21:06 Manfred only this add
Friedrich Schiller * An die Freude German Arg-262-133 2004-01-16 21:17 Manfred only this add
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe * An die Entfernte German Arg-1702-845 2013-02-27 10:58 Manfred only this add
Nikolaus Lenau * An die Entfernte German Arg-1265-626 2012-10-26 12:09 Manfred only this add
Franz Freiherr von Dingelstedt * An der Weser German Arg-835-424 2012-11-01 15:24 Manfred only this add
Manfred Hausmann * An der Grenze German Arg-1844-921 2013-08-25 15:12 Manfred only this add
Manfred Hausmann An der Ahornbrücke German Arg-1838-917 2014-04-07 17:43 Manfred only this add
Manfred Hausmann * An der Ahornbrücke [-] German Arg-1817-911 2013-08-06 23:08 Manfred only this add
Manfred Hausmann An der Ahornbrücke German Arg-1821-912 2014-04-07 17:43 Manfred only this add
Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim * An den Mond German Arg-1567-783 2013-01-20 13:22 Manfred only this add
Joseph Ferdinand Berger * An den Mond German Arg-1566-782 2013-01-19 14:50 Manfred only this add
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe * An den Mond German Arg-570-280 2005-02-06 11:36 Manfred only this add
Manfred Retzlaff An den Herbst German 2012-12-14 Arg-1314-653 2012-11-14 11:01 Manfred only this add
Siegfried Einstein * An den Herbst German Arg-1312-653 2013-06-01 14:37 Manfred only this add
Friedrich Schiller * An den Frühling German Arg-627-310 2005-05-08 14:15 Manfred only this add
Justinus Kerner * An das Trinkglas eines verstorbenen Freundes German Arg-2263-1119 2015-01-27 16:24 Manfred only this add
Manfred Retzlaff Anbetung German Arg-1926-952 2014-01-07 18:53 Manfred only this add
Manfred Hausmann * Anbetung German Arg-1920-952 2013-12-23 20:37 Manfred only this add
Karoline Jänisch An ... German Arg-617-305 2005-04-22 16:38 Manfred only this add
Hermann Kletke * Am Weihnachtsbaum die Lichter brennen German 1841 Arg-1128-558 2010-09-18 16:00 Manfred only this add
Annette von Droste-Hülshoff * Am Weiher German Arg-311-158 2004-02-04 14:56 Manfred only this add

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