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author  [first name] title language publication id code last modification view
Wéi Wáng * Zá Shī ĉina Arg-1852-926 2013-11-06 22:51 Manfred only this remove
Manfred Retzlaff Hejmsopiro Esperanto 2013-08-29 Arg-1854-926 2013-08-30 19:41 Manfred only this add
Manfred Hausmann Heimweh German Arg-1853-926 2013-08-30 19:43 Manfred only this add

Wéi Wáng ,
Zá Shī

Jūn zì gù xiāng lái
Yīng zhī gù xiāng shī
Lái rì qĭ chuāng qián
Hán mé zhù huā wè.
Author of this ĉina poem is Wéi Wáng

Pri la ĉiná poeto Wáng Wéi vidu la
vikipediejon http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wang_Wei.
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