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Esperanto English German
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author  [first name] title language publication id code last modification view
Albrecht Kronenberger * Spirito de Di' Esperanto Arg-1668-831 2013-02-18 21:47 Manfred only this add
Albrecht Kronenberger Pretigu serioze Esperanto 2012-10-07 Arg-1459-724 2012-12-23 14:25 Manfred only this add
Albrecht Kronenberger Jen esti hejme mia vol' Esperanto 2014-01-26 Arg-1958-972 2014-03-08 14:30 Manfred only this add
Albrecht Kronenberger Ho, venu, Spirit', Di', Sinjor' Esperanto Arg-2243-1111 2015-01-07 11:47 Manfred only this add
Albrecht Kronenberger Aŭdu, paŝtistoj Esperanto 1990 Arg-1142-565 2010-09-20 11:11 Manfred only this add