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Esperanto English German
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author  [first name] title language publication id code last modification view
Mark Twain The Lorelei English Arg-11-2 2003-10-13 04:42 mgr only this add
L. W. Garnham The Lorelei English Arg-14-2 2003-10-11 23:04 mgr only this add
Paul Gottfried Christaller [Ne scias mi, kio okazis] Esperanto Arg-1116-2 2010-09-13 10:03 Manfred only this add
N. N. 01 Lurleia Latin Arg-179-2 2010-02-11 14:00 Manfred only this remove
Joachim Gießner Lorelejo Esperanto Arg-1115-2 2010-09-15 12:51 Manfred only this add
Leopold Elb Lorelej' Esperanto Arg-71-2 2005-02-03 19:06 Manfred only this add
Ludwig Lazarus Zamenhof Lorelej Esperanto Arg-565-2 2009-10-30 16:15 mgr only this add
Hans-Georg Kaiser Lorelay Esperanto Arg-564-2 2005-02-03 19:18 Manfred only this add
Heinrich Heine * Die Lorelei German 1823 Arg-2-2 2014-04-23 18:09 Manfred only this add

Heinrich Heine,

translated by N. N. 01
Ignoro, quid id sibi velit,
Tristissimus cur sim,
Antiqui aevi fabellam
Cur saepe volverim.
Vesperascit et frigescit,
Et Rhenus leniter it,
Cacumen montis lucescit,
Dum Phoebus occidit.
Sedet in summo montis
Virgo pulcherrima,
Auro nitet gemma frontis,
Se pectit auricoma.
Aureolo pectine pectit,
Carmen canens procul,
Mirandum id habet modum
Nec non virilem simul.
In cymba navitam mille
Angores feri tenent,
Non videt scopulos ille,
Ocli non si sursum vident.
Opinor undas devorare
Nautam cum navicula,
Effecit solo canendo
Lurleia id dea.
Translation of the German poem "Die Lorelei"
by Heinrich Heine (*1797-12-13 -
†1856-02-17) into Latin by N. N.