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Verfasser  [Vorname] Titel Sprache Erscheinung Kennung letzte Änderung Ansicht
Carlo Minnaja Ode a Samarcanda [-] itala Arg-2206-860 2014-11-13 12:31 Manfred nur diese hinzufügen
Manfred Retzlaff Ode für Samarkand Deutsch Arg-1735-860 2013-04-03 23:31 Manfred nur diese hinzufügen
Malcolm Jones Ode to Samarkand Englisch Arg-2037-860 2014-10-16 20:52 Manfred nur diese entfernen
Manfred Retzlaff Odo al Samarkando Esperanto 2013-03-25 Arg-1736-860 2013-03-26 17:48 Manfred nur diese hinzufügen
Vladimir Masalkin Odo al Samarkando Esperanto Arg-1734-860 2013-03-24 15:52 Manfred nur diese hinzufügen
Ирина Саверьевна Алексеева * Oда Самарканду Russisch Arg-1733-860 2014-05-15 12:22 Manfred nur diese hinzufügen

Ирина Саверьевна Алексеева ,
Ode to Samarkand

übersetzt von Malcolm Jones
I sing of you, oh, Samarkand'!
Your wondrous features win my praises.
And your dear heart - the Registan -
seems young to me and never ages.
Its steady beating Ulughbek
could sense beneath the constellations.
Oh, Samarkand! Immortal pick
of mighty Tamerlan's creations.
Madrasses are your sacred schools,
which cultivate the arts and learning.
Their beauty overcomes time's rules
by centuries into moments turning.
Here the great Navoi's verse,
so full of love and strong emotion,
is cherished by your populace,
made happy by its inspiration.
The domes of minarets stand proud -
like day-time stars in clear sky shining:
so pure the blue, without a cloud
and fine the spires in art combining.
Oh, Samarkand! You're wise through age,
with mosques and churches closely neighboured.
For those who love you, the world's stage
has no town better nor more favoured.
Oh, Samarkand! Live long and thrive,
be glorified by each good action!
And while eternity's your prize,
be here our lasting benefaction.
Übersetzung des russischen Gedichtes
"Oда Самарканду" von Ирина
Саверьевна Алексеева
ins Englische durch Malcolm Jones.

Tiu ĉi poem-angligo aperis en 2013 en
libro "Oда Самарканду" (= Odo
por Samarkando).
Sinjoro Malcolm Jones, kiu angligis la
poemon, estas brita esperantisto. Lia
adreso troviĝas en la UEA-jarlibro de la
jaro 2014 sur paĝo 126.