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author  [first name] title language publication id code last modification view
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe * Wanderers Nachtlied German Arg-1489-738 2012-12-29 13:21 Manfred only this add
Richard Schulz Noktolido de migranto Esperanto Arg-1490-738 2013-02-26 15:13 Manfred only this add
Manfred Retzlaff Noktokanto de migranto Esperanto 1983-06-17 Arg-1491-738 | MR-063-2 2012-12-29 13:38 Manfred only this remove

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
Noktokanto de migranto

translated by Manfred Retzlaff
Vi, venanto de l' chielo,
Foriganto la doloron,
Freshiganta per mielo
De l' sufereganto koron,
- Min plenumas ega laco!
Kial tiu ghoj' kaj ve'? -
Dolcha paco,
Venu, mi sopiras tre!
Translation of the German poem "Wanderers
Nachtlied" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
(*1749-08-28 - †1832-03-22) into
Esperanto by Manfred Retzlaff (*1938-11-04)
on 1983-06-17.