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author  [first name] title language publication id code last modification view
Guido Holz Du veloj Esperanto Arg-2194-1088 2014-09-07 14:39 Manfred only this add
Leland Bryant Ross Two sails English Arg-2195-1088 2014-09-07 12:48 Manfred only this remove
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer * Zwei Segel German Arg-2193-1088 2014-09-07 15:08 Manfred only this add

Conrad Ferdinand Meyer,
Two sails

translated by Leland Bryant Ross
Two sails flashing bright on the royal-blue bay!
Two sails fill out tight and sail calmly away!
When one in the breezes moves hither and yon,
The other with ease as its shadow responds.
If one wants to hasten, the other goes fast,
If one asks for quiet, its companion has rest.
Translation of the German poem "Zwei Segel"
by Conrad Ferdinand Meyer (Konrado Ferdinando
Majero, *1825-10-11 - †1898-11-28)
into English by Leland Bryant Ross (Ros'

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