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author  [first name] title language publication id code last modification view
Retzlaff, Manfred Süße Heimlichkeit German 2000-07-31 Arg-25-15 2005-08-26 08:15 Manfred only this add
Ratislavo, Manfredo Dolĉa sekreteco Esperanto 2000-07-31 Arg-24-15 2014-02-14 13:14 Manfred only this add
Andresen, Stine * Swet hiamelkhaid Friesean Arg-23-15 2003-10-12 00:45 mgr only this remove

Stine Andresen,
Swet hiamelkhaid

Min hart as din, an dü beest min,
swet hiamelkhaid as min an din,
wi brük diartu nian freemen.
Jä, swet as't, wan't noch hiamelk as,
wi tau alian, wi witj at was,
an ölers witj at neemen.
Mi tankt, ik haa di loong ei sen;
wiar dach de dai, de dai iarst hen,
an wiar a san ferswünjen!
Dan wurt at inj, dan komt a naacht;
stun muun an stäären üüb a waacht,
dan slau a lokelk stünjen.
Do leit at hüs uun jipen druum,
a fögler sliap uun bosk an buum,
ik sat uun guard tu teewen.
Man hartleew frinj, do kom man juart, -
dü käänst a wai troch naibüürs puart, -
man eewen, - eewen, - eewen!
Author of this Friesean poem is Stine
Andresen (geb. Jürgens, *1849-12-23 -

Ik foon detheer dachting uun det buk
"Eilunsfresken / Inselfriesen, Lebensbilder
aus Nordfriesland" de Jakop Tholund,
Noordfriisk Instutuut, Bredstedt.