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Esperanto English German
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author  [first name] title language publication id code last modification view
Alexander Taussig Grenzen der Menschheit Esperanto Arg-962-493 2009-08-17 16:05 Manfred only this add
Ignaz Franz * Großer Gott, wir loben dich German 1768 Arg-2190-1087 2014-09-01 12:56 Manfred only this add
Theodor Storm * Größer werden die Menschen nicht German Arg-394-199 2004-03-06 06:12 Manfred only this add
Theodor Fontane * Guter Rat German Arg-589-291 2005-02-09 16:24 Manfred only this add
Heinrich Neye * Hab' ich auch schon mal gehabt German Arg-1998-990 2014-04-16 12:12 Manfred only this add
N. N. 34 * Hab' mein Wagen German Arg-1256-622 2012-10-22 07:12 Manfred only this add
James Krüss * Hans Benjamin, der Hase [-] German Arg-1327-662 2012-11-18 22:36 Manfred only this add
Franz Wiedemann * Hänschen klein German Arg-1101-548 2010-07-05 13:17 Manfred only this add
James Krüss * Hanselmann muss schlafen gehn German Arg-1343-669 2012-11-21 19:24 Manfred only this add
Hermann Schmidt * Hat uur hārefst Friesean Arg-174-87 2003-12-15 20:38 Manfred only this add
Richard Schulz * He, glaciomonto! Esperanto Arg-1922-953 2013-12-18 17:26 Manfred only this add
Gerda Illerhues * Heidebild [-] German Arg-1546-772 2013-01-16 12:24 Manfred only this add
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe * Heidenröslein German Arg-2069-1022 2014-05-23 13:04 Manfred only this add
Doris Wildgrube * Heiligabend [-] German Arg-1622-809 2013-02-01 10:16 Manfred only this add
Ludwig Thoma * Heilige Nacht German Arg-1927-956 2013-12-24 09:20 Manfred only this add
Andreas Gryphius * Heiliger Abend German Arg-1508-750 2013-01-03 12:53 Manfred only this add
Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff * Heiliger Abend German Arg-459-233 2004-04-23 13:05 Manfred only this add
Manfred Hausmann Heimweh German Arg-1853-926 2013-08-30 19:43 Manfred only this add
Manfred Hausmann * Heimweh German Arg-1849-925 2013-08-30 10:20 Manfred only this add
Adela Schafer Hejmo, dolĉa nom' Esperanto Arg-2043-1008 2014-05-18 11:06 Manfred only this add
Manfred Retzlaff Hejmsopiro Esperanto Arg-1850-925 2013-08-30 19:28 Manfred only this add
Manfred Retzlaff Hejmsopiro Esperanto 2013-08-29 Arg-1854-926 2013-08-30 19:41 Manfred only this add
Nikolaus Lenau * Herbst German Arg-1269-628 2012-10-26 14:35 Manfred only this add
Theodor Storm * Herbst German Arg-1738-862 2013-04-06 15:26 Manfred only this add
Rainer Maria Rilke * Herbst German Arg-1549-773 2013-01-16 22:31 Manfred only this add

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