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Shirley Yiping Zhang The green Skirt of the Girl's Englisch Arg-1812-908 2013-07-11 22:17 Manfred nur diese entfernen
Chānglíng Wáng * Cǎi lián qǔ ĉina Arg-1811-908 2013-07-11 23:39 Manfred nur diese hinzufügen

Chānglíng Wáng ,
The green Skirt of the Girl's

übersetzt von Shirley Yiping Zhang
The green skirts of the girls'
seem as being cut by the lotus leaves,
The pretty lotuses are blossoming
to the girls' pink faces...
Both of them mix into the lotus pool
and the girls could not been seen at all...
We just realize that some poeple are coming
after hearing their beautiful songs...
Übersetzung des ĉinaGedichtes "Cǎi
lián qǔ" von Chānglíng Wáng ins
Englische durch Shirley Yiping Zhang.